Bountiful Living
Together we will explore the bountiful, abundant life we have in Christ and learn how to walk in victory despite the challenges, trials, and adversity we encounter. "A thief has only one thing in mind - he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But, I (Christ) have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect - life in its fullness until you overflow." John 10:10 TPT
Bountiful Living
Psalm 23: Praying God's Word
A Bountiful Life puts God first in all things.
Prayer is an essential way we connect with God and go to Him first with our worries.
When we pray God's Word we are agreeing with Him and discovering His will for our lives.
Today we start our series on "Praying God's Word" by praying Psalm 23 together.
The intro ends at 5:09
Prayer begins at 5:10
We would love to hear from you!
Tell us what scripture you pray and declare at
If you missed the episode "But First, God." you can check it out here.
Dedicated to the women who intercede alongside me and to my Mom’s in Prayer group.
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Sharpen your faith on Instagram at @Bountiful_Living